Year Admitted | Name | Degree Sought | Dissertation Topic |
In Progress |
2021 | AU Yat Chun Andrew | PhD | Towards the Development of an Acoustics-Based Voice Assessment System using Machine Learning |
2021 | FAN Lok Ki Gladys | PhD | Speech Sound Development and Disorders for Cantonese-English Children in Hong Kong |
2020 | WANG Tianqi Timothy | PhD | Semantic Control in Cognitively Impaired Aging Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease |
2020 | CHOI Kar Yin Angela | PhD | Prevalence of Stuttering and Cluttering in School-Age Children in Hong Kong |
Year Completed | Name | Degree Sought | Dissertation Topic |
Graduated |
2017 | CHEN Li Ying Lordina | PhD | Perception and Production of Emotional Prosodies in People with Parkinson’s Disease and Associated Hypokinetic Dysarthria |
2017 | LAI Wing-Sze Wience | PhD | The Production and Perception of English Lexical Stress by Hong Kong Cantonese Learners of English |
2013 | WANG Dongning Dustin | MPhil | The Effect of Augmented Auditory Feedback on Pitch Accuracy by Untrained Adults |
2012 | TONG Tik-Sang Eric | PhD | Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Speech in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease |
2012 | ZHANG Lan | MPhil | Development and Assessment of an Acoustics-Based Multisensory Accent Reduction System |