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My CV – Postgraduate Supervision

Year AdmittedNameDegree SoughtDissertation Topic
In Progress
2021AU Yat Chun AndrewPhDTowards the Development of an Acoustics-Based Voice Assessment System using Machine Learning
2021FAN Lok Ki GladysPhDSpeech Sound Development and Disorders for Cantonese-English Children in Hong Kong
2020WANG Tianqi TimothyPhDSemantic Control in Cognitively Impaired Aging Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease
2020CHOI Kar Yin AngelaPhDPrevalence of Stuttering and Cluttering in School-Age Children in Hong Kong
Year CompletedNameDegree SoughtDissertation Topic
2017CHEN Li Ying LordinaPhDPerception and Production of Emotional Prosodies in People with Parkinson’s Disease and Associated Hypokinetic Dysarthria
2017LAI Wing-Sze WiencePhDThe Production and Perception of English Lexical Stress by Hong Kong Cantonese Learners of English
2013WANG Dongning DustinMPhilThe Effect of Augmented Auditory Feedback on Pitch Accuracy by Untrained Adults
2012TONG Tik-Sang EricPhDEffects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Speech in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
2012ZHANG LanMPhilDevelopment and Assessment of an Acoustics-Based Multisensory Accent Reduction System