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“Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.”
Noam Chomsky
![]() | Now that we have landed Curiosity on Mars, and it has been active on Mars for 4,107 sols (more than 11 Earth years), are we ready to “talk” to Martians? What is “Hello” in Martian? How would language evolve with humans on Mars, if we are to live on Mars? |
By January 2022, China’s robotic rover Yutu-2 had traveled a distance of more than 1,000 m along the Moon’s surface since its touch down on the dirt ground of the 115-mile wide von Kármán Crater of the moon. Do we know how to communicate with “them”? | ![]() |
For those patients with their voice box removed, how do they talk to each other? Is laryngeal transplant possible? How do robots talk? With the advancement in Artificial Intelligence, combining big data, new learning models and high speech computing, how can we help them regain speech?
Why do scratching the window glass using a coin gives us goose bumps and increases our heart rate? Can we learn to adapt this disturbing sound? Can it be used in the battle field to distract nearby snipers? |
In CSI, experts compare voices to identify the suspect. How is that done? What is voice print?
How do ventriloquists talk without moving their lips? Do they really talk with their bellies? What is happening inside their mouth? | ![]() |
If you are also interested in these questions, welcome to the field of Speech Science – the scientific study of everything related to speech and language. |